Photo by Sam Farkas
A full suite of estate planning tools legally binding in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
*Revocable Living Trusts are only available for California residents currently
Many Ocean Conservancy supporters have chosen to advance the values that have been most important in their lives by providing a gift through their will. Regardless of the size of your gift, you can make an exceptional impact on the future health of our ocean and the wildlife and coastal communities that depend on it!
Traditionally, creating a will can be expensive and time-consuming. To solve this problem, Ocean Conservancy is pleased to offer our supporters free access to Giving Docs. Here you can easily create your will and other estate planning documents in just a few minutes. You are not required to leave a gift in order to create a will. This is our gift to you.
It protects your gift intention. By letting the Ocean Conservancy know that you've left a gift, they can be good stewards of your gift and ensure that it will be used for the purpose you intend. In addition, the Ocean Conservancycan honor your thoughtfulness by welcoming you to the Ocean Legacy Society, a special group of supporters who have included a gift to the ocean in their will or estate plan. the Ocean Conservancy understands that your plans may change in the future, and notifying them does not obligate you to keep the gift in your estate plan.
When creating your account with Giving Docs, you will be asked if you would like to share your contact information with any charities for which you leave a gift. If you choose to share your contact information, the charity will receive your contact information and note about your planned gift, as agreed upon. No other data will be shared with the charity. If you do not wish to share any information at all, you can choose to remain anonymous. If you choose to remain anonymous, the charity will not receive any identifying information.